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African/Nigerian folktales serve as a means of handing down traditions and customs from one generation to the next. This folktale, Why the Turtle Has a Broken Patterned Shell, uses imagination to inspire the young learners as they are growing in both character formation and developing their executive functions and skills.

Dr. Rose Ihedigbo went to the University of Massachusetts-Amherst to receive a BA, M.Ed., and an Ed.D. in Early Childhood Education. Rose has become an expert in Early Childhood. She does consultations for childcare programs and public speaking across the country. She is the author of the book Sandals in the Snow, a true story of one African family's journey to achieving the American dream.

She is the founder of Ihedigbo Consulting Group and the co founder (with her late husband, Rev. Dr. Apollos Ihedigbo) of the Nigerian American Technological and Agricultural College (NATAC) in

Nigeria. She is also the mother of five children -Onyii, Emeka, Nathaniel, David, and James.